French Cooking Academy

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Indulge yourself, this is worth it.

There's no shame in indulging in this dark chocolate truffle recipe, especially during Easter or any holiday season. The truffles can be coated with cocoa powder, chocolate shavings, coconut, or crushed nuts. They are best enjoyed when chilled in the fridge.


  • 200 g (7 oz) chocolate tablets with 70% cocoa.

  • 30 g (1.4 oz) butter (unsalted)

  • 200 ml (7 oz) good quality pure liquid cream (heavy cream)

  • 50 g (1.8 oz) or more cocoa powder to coat the truffles. Or you can use crushed nuts or coconut.

  • Optional: a dash of liquor (grand marnier, cognac, whisky or rum) or some vanilla extract to sweeten the chocolate.

    Cooling time: fridge for between 1 or 2 hours.


if you want the best chocolate use Valrhona chocolate. winner of best chocolate in the world this particular chocolate is made in the city of chocolate of Tain l’hermitage located in the Rhone valley. learn more on their website

  • For the cling wrap, I use a 100% Certified Compostable Cling Wrap sourced online to avoid using plastic. These days you can buy the more sustainable stuff in most supermarkets.


  1. Cut the chocolate into small pieces and place them into a bowl. Use a cold instrument to handle the chocolate to avoid it from melting due to the heat of your hands. Cut the butter into small blocks.

  2. Bring the cream to a boil in a saucepan over medium to high heat. When the cream starts to boil, turn off the heat and pour it over the chocolate. Stir until combined and the mixture turns into a smooth chocolate paste (you have now made a chocolate ganache).

  3. Once done, leave the chocolate ganache to cool for a few minutes and gently stir the butter through.

  4. Next, line a flat dish or tray with cling wrap, pour the chocolate ganache, and ensure that it is spread evenly to a thickness or depth of at least 1 cm or half an inch.

  5. Place the tray in the fridge for about 2 hours. When the ganache is cold enough, remove it from the fridge and get spread the cocoa powder other coating ready in a plate

  6. Cut the ganache into slices, then cut each slice into pieces of the size you desire (the norm is usually 3 cm by 1 cm). With clean hands, shape each piece into a ball or rectangle, then roll each shape in cocoa powder or another coating of your choice until fully coated.

  7. Once all the chocolate truffles are made, place them into a container and store them in the fridge for a few hours before serving.

    These chocolate truffles keep well in the fridge for a few days, but make sure to take them out 30 minutes before enjoying them