Access the ultimate library of French cooking courses to fast-track your journey to culinary mastery.

the idea of effortlessly cooking your favorite French dishes at home is exciting! BUT WHERE DO YOU EVEN START?

Of course, there's lots of content online. Why pay for learning when you can get it for free, right? But while it’s true that there are plenty of videos out there, the reality is that you'll spend hours scrolling through YouTube, only to fall down a rabbit hole of conflicting advice, rushed tutorials, and recipes with unclear techniques that don’t work. In the end, you'll end up with less confidence and more questions than answers—not to mention all those wasted hours you’ll never get back.

A traditional cooking school is another option. However, with set face-to-face hours, high enrollment fees, and the time needed to travel and attend classes, it’s costly and time-consuming. Yes, it’s special as a one-off experience, but mastering multiple techniques requires dozens of hours in class with fees quickly rising into the thousands.

Who has the time and money for that?

So, what about a third option?

If you're tired of wasting time sifting through random videos and disappointing recipes, and you want to master French cooking from home without spending thousands of dollars in fees, a French Cooking Academy Membership is your one-stop shop for culinary mastery.


Your Passport to Mastering French Cuisine

Unlock access to the most comprehensive selection of online French culinary courses to help you become an experienced and skilled home cook in no time.

The Widest Range of French Cooking Courses: Quite simply, we offer the most comprehensive library of courses dedicated to French cuisine available anywhere.

Unlimited French Culinary Education: As a member, you get unlimited access and watch time to our entire library of courses, plus new courses added to our catalog.

Learn Anytime, Anywhere, at Your Own Pace: Learn the way you want, whenever you want. Start and stop courses at your leisure, learn at home and even on the go with our app.


Master the foundations first!

One of the most important steps in learning French cooking is mastering the fundamentals. Our core culinary programs are designed to equip you with the essential techniques you need to succeed. From food preparation, stocks, and classic sauces to cooking methods and desserts, we ensure there are no gaps in your foundational knowledge.

Decode the secrets of French CUISINE

Our courses are packed with instructional tutorials that break down concepts step by step. We emphasize the ‘why’ behind recipes and techniques, making them easy to follow and ensuring that your learning is a breeze. This approach removes the fear and overwhelm from mastering French cooking techniques.

Explore Every Aspect of French COOKING

We’ve got everything covered with numerous cooking journeys that stretch across a range of topics—all designed to take you on a unique journey of French cuisine and elevate your cooking skills. Literally hundreds of authentic recipes are waiting to immerse you in the world of French cuisine. 

Our online student community means you won’t be learning alone. With hundreds of members from across the globe, this private space allows you to share your cooking adventures, connect with other Francofoodies, and get support and advice directly from cooking instructor, Stéphane.

An awesome supportive community


SUPERCHARGE your cooking skills with our unique range of courses

Get Started With French Cooking

Master French Sauces at Home

Bistro Charccuterie for Beginners

French Dessert Essentials

Cooking Potatoes Like a Chef

Quiches for All Occasions

Having Fun with Choux Pastry

The Gastronomad Journey

Mastering Mussels


  • Conditions apply. see our FAQ section

For a limited time only, get the ebook version of our first cookbook when you join the club.

Bonjour, I’m Stéphane

your cooking instructor.

I understand the struggles of home cooks because I've been there.

A few years ago, as a Frenchman starting a new life abroad, I missed the amazing food from France. I realized the only way to recreate that gastronomic experience was to cook it myself. But with limited experience, it seemed hopeless. I rushed through recipes, skipped the basics, and ended up with frustrating results.

I learned that French cooking is an art best mastered step by step. With access to excellent resources from institutions like the Paul Bocuse Institute, Ferrandi Culinary School in Paris, the Le Notre Institute, and the invaluable Larousse Gastronomique and teachings of Auguste Escoffier, I immersed myself in the world of French cuisine, spending thousands of hours honing my skills.

This journey changed everything. I went from blindly following recipes to confidently creating delicious French meals daily. Now, my passion is to share what I've learned.

Today, with over 750k followers on YouTube and thousands of students at our online culinary school, the French Cooking Academy's mission is simple: helping home cooks around the world fast-track their French cooking journey.

Join me, and let’s get cooking!

why a french cooking academy membership?

YOUR ONE-STOP SHOP FOR MASTERTING FRENCH COOKING. Becoming a member unlocks immediate access to the largest collection of French cooking courses available anywhere. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned cook wanting to up your cooking game, we have a course for you. There’s no need to look anywhere else—it’s all here.


Gain the same knowledge and skills taught at traditional culinary schools, but without the hefty price tag or the hassle of attending classes in person.


Since 2019, we’ve taught over 3,000 students from around the world, helping them transform their cooking skills and boost their kitchen confidence. (Check out our Google reviews below to see what we mean.)


Join our vibrant and fun online community on a private community platform, the French Cooking Academy Club, and meet hundreds of fellow Francophiles. This is the place to connect with like-minded home cooks who follow the same courses and share your passion for food and cooking—better than Facebook and without the ads.


Authentic recipes and videos for endless inspiration to eat like a Parisian every day. And we’re not talking about dishes that require hours of slaving over a stove. This is French food made easy with shortcuts and time-saving techniques that don’t compromise on taste.

the proof is in the REVIEWS

  • The ‘Get Started with French Cooking’ course is fantastic, some really great techniques, that I doubt I would have learned about if I didn’t do your course. I can safely say that my cooking skills have improved a lot since doing this course (my wife thinks the same).

    Adrian Waddington

  • The courses have changed my cooking so much. All my friends always want to eat at my house.

    Christopher Fournier

  • Just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU for creating such a fantastic resource. I studied to be a chef back in the UK in the 80's, but sadly didn't pursue a career. I still love to cook and I really enjoy watching TV chefs and cooking shows. You are taking me right back to those French Cuisine basics, but your videos are so easy to follow. I'm really enjoying revisiting things I haven't cooked for years, and also new things I never tried.

    Kim Davies

  • Thank you. This is what I'm looking for. I recently spent a day at a cooking school, and that was £200 for one day (more like 4 hours), covering just one topic. I'm keen to learn a lot about cooking and baking. I think beginning with French Cooking, would be an excellent way to begin. I think I want to step up from just recipes to learning the fundamental style that is inherent to the cuisine. I guess, it's like learning a language, moving from memorising phrases to really understanding and communicating.

    Ed Sumner

  • Children and even a girlfriend were quite impressed at my cooking after studying your videos. It has saved me a lot of money. I am working on cruise ships again and have become friends with chefs and I even host their demonstrations, mostly because I know now what to say, what to talk about and I can speak intelligently about cooking and its preparation. I blame all this on you. You should be proud and not surprised. Cooking is life. Be well, mon ami! C'est vrai, you have helped me a great deal.

    Dan Murphy

  • I've gained a great deal of knowledge from the course and am greatly impressed with how well you've presented the lessons. I'm thankful for the wealth of knowledge that has been given and look forward to working through other courses you've developed. This course has given me a great deal of techniques which will help me significantly moving forward in my culinary journey.

    Marc Goodman

  • I chose the Beouf Bourguignon and the Cote De Porc Saute Sauce Robert as my challenge recipes. I really enjoyed the course. The dessert class is next for me. I haven't done much with desserts and I'm looking forward to learning about them.

    Brent Myers

Imagine how you will feel….

You can pick up almost any French recipe and not feel intimidated. You understand the techniques and can recognize where things could go wrong and how to avoid them. In fact, you find yourself adding your own twists to create signature recipes.

You know how to select high-quality ingredients and prepare them to bring out the best flavors. You’ll find yourself thinking, “Why should we go out to eat when I can make something better at home?”—which is better for your health and your wallet.

The thought of hosting a dinner party no longer triggers knots in your stomach. It’s a joy to cook delicious meals for your favorite people, and your friends are asking you, “Where did you learn to cook like that?”

Is the FCA Club right for me?  

  • Perfect! A French Cooking Academy Membership includes our flagship course, "Get Started With French Cooking," a comprehensive program for beginners who want to quickly learn the basics of French cuisine. With this course, you'll build the foundational skills needed to progress through any of the courses in our extensive cooking library.

  • Great! We offer a range of courses focused on more advanced techniques to challenge accomplished home cooks. Explore courses like "Master French Sauces at Home," "Bistro Charcuterie," and "Having Fun with Choux Pastry." Additionally, our various Cooking Journeys are designed to introduce you to hidden gems in French cuisine that you won’t find anywhere else online. Many of our students start with intermediate skills and achieve greater success with their cooking results. We even have students who have previously studied culinary certificates and find our courses helpful for refreshing their knowledge and learning more advanced French techniques.

  • We’re afraid we’re not the place for you. While many of our courses include a certificate of completion, we are not an accredited culinary school and do not offer industry-recognized accreditation.

  • Absolutely! You'll learn many of the same techniques taught in French culinary schools but adapted for home cooking. Our focus is on efficiency—you'll master these techniques in a fraction of the time (and cost) of a culinary school and with Stéphane as your instructor, it'll feel like you're right in the classroom. Our courses are hands-on. While theory is covered, the emphasis is on practicing and applying what you learn—just like in a culinary school. Our course structure focuses on the most relevant French techniques to build your culinary toolbox. These techniques are precise, informative, and easy to follow. Mastering these foundational skills will transform your cooking skillset, revealing a world of delicious dishes—and all achieved in a fraction of the time you'd spend in a culinary school.

  • It’s true that you can learn a lot from YouTube, and it’s a great resource for recipes. But if you’re serious about learning how to cook, YouTube has its limitations. Our courses go more in-depth than YouTube videos and teach culinary techniques in a professional sequence. This structured approach saves you valuable time and ensures there are no gaps in your knowledge. Membership also unlocks access to a wealth of cooking exercises, recipes, and resources to help guide your transformation from just following recipes to truly knowing how to cook.

  • The short answer is YES! Every great chef has learned the fundamental techniques of French cuisine. Once you understand these foundational techniques, you'll be able to tackle other cuisines more easily.

  • The great news is that our model is based on full flexibility. Our courses are completely self-paced, so you decide when you start and when you finish. You can watch video tutorials as many times as you like and revisit previous lessons to reinforce concepts. There’s absolutely no pressure to complete courses within a certain timeframe. (Phew—what a relief!)

  • Yes, but it depends on each course. To get the most out of our cooking courses, you will need access to certain kitchen tools, cookware, and a functional kitchen, most of which you’re likely to already have. The specific equipment required to cook along with Stéphane is detailed at the beginning of each individual course. We strive to keep it as low maintenance as possible, offering recommendations for economical alternatives to chef-grade equipment.

  • You bet! If you find that a French Cooking Academy Membership is not for you within 14 days of purchase, just let us know, and we'll provide a full refund, no questions asked.

  • The e-book will be sent to you shortly after you join the membership. However, please note that due to the electronic nature of the book, any membership refund request after the e-book has been sent will incur a $25 fee.

Unlock All This for Just $199 a Year!